UU Ministry for Earth is thrilled to announce that closed captioning is now available for all future online film screening events of The Condor & The Eagle! This option, along with a Spanish subtitle option, will automatically be included for all future online screening events.

Thank you very much to the friends & members of UUMFE who gave feedback about the need for this service. UUMFE is committed to accessibility and to the dismantling of all oppressions.

Upcoming Screenings

Thursday, August 20th at 3-5:30pm PT/ 4-6:30pm MT / 5-7:30pm CT / 6-8:30pm ET

Co-hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California & Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (Appleton, WI)

Benefiting the “No More Sacrificed Communities!” film impact campaign, & the Create Climate Justice UU Indigenous solidarity efforts. Suggested donation of $1-100 (avg. $25).


Check for updates on upcoming screenings here

Plan for a Fall Screening with Your Congregation!

UUMFE is looking for congregational & UU organizational co-hosts for upcoming screenings. Co-hosts are solely responsible for getting the word out to ensure a good turnout at the event. The first-Friday and third-Thursday of every month are the scheduled online film screening times, through November. You can also request a unique date and time if one of these won’t work for your group: