A tiny presence of the 8 billion global human population is currently gathered in Egypt to move Climate Change solutions forward: this is COP 27, the 27th United Nations Conference of Parties of the Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Unitarian Universalists and our partners are there too, raising our Key Messages on Human Rights, Full Global Participation, and Climate-Forced Displacement.

Opportunities to participate virtually are countless and includes a Unitarian Universalist daily gathering: it’s the UU COP 27 Connection Series.  We discuss and share what we’ve learned as COP 27 progresses and provide tools to understand and join events remotely.

You are invited to embody, empower, and engage as a Unitarian Universalist, living each of our 8 Principles and moving Climate Justice forward.

UUs & former COP attendees Dr. Bill McPherson and Doris Marlin with invited guests will help break it all down, and help you stay informed to better engage in meaningful advocacy.


This RSVP list will be the primary communication method, so be sure to RSVP to stay up to date on the dynamic programming as it unfolds.

Follow the events and find resources at https://www.uumfe.org/cop-27-un-climate-summit/